Forever Home Inspection

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A Very Common Defect Home Sellers Can Prevent


We seem to always be reporting on an absence of guttering, or insufficient means of removal of moisture. It’s important to remember the purpose of the guttering system is to draw water and moisture away from the property.

It may seem like gutters are a trivial add-on to a property. In reality, missing gutters can lead to structural damage down the road. What happens is that water pools against the exterior wall, eroding the gradient, making a way for more and more water to stand over time alongside the exterior of the home. Long term, when water has nowhere to go it is absorbed into the elements of the home causing irreversible damage to the foundation and siding.

The goal is to move water at least four feet, or more, away from the home. This is achieved by installing splash blocks, down spout extensions, and/or underground drainage components (listed in order of least to most effective). Splash blocks and down spout extensions are affordable, and quick and easy for a home owner to install in a few short minutes.

Consider a seller home inspection

Having a seller home inspection, or what’s sometimes called a pre-sell inspection, is a great way to get out ahead of what defects will be found on a buyer’s inspection. Sellers should consider putting themselves in a position of complete awareness on the state of their home. Taking this stance beforehand gives sellers the upper hand during pricing and negotiations.