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Oklahoma and many surrounding states are experiencing severe water intrusion and flooding across thousands of homes. Homeowners - if and when you reenter the property we want you to be safe. We’ve put together a list of ways you can safely reenter flood damaged properties.
Legal Reentry
Check with your local officials to verify that reentering the premises isn’t violating any sort of no entry zones placed there by local or state authorities.
Safety First
Notify a friend or family member that you are entering a potentially hazardous and dangerous property, and do a scheduled safety check-in with that person. Even better, do not enter a hazardous property alone.
Entering Property
Show extreme caution when upon entering. Severe structural damage may be present. “Sticky doors” are a good indication that structural damage is present. If the door sticks at the top, beware that a ceiling may be near collapsing. Stand clear, and do not enter. Once inside, immediately turn off any utilities at the home site, even if the utility company has done so already.
Protective Footwear
The most common injury resulting from traversing flood zones is cut feet, according to The American Red Cross. Wear sturdy boots with thick, protective tread. Additional safety gear we recommend are eye protection, gloves, hard helmet, coveralls, and a flashlight or headlamp. Assume treacherous and dangerous materials have traveled into your home and onto your property by way of floodwaters.
Air Quality
When water is trapped indoors the air quality quickly diminishes and can become toxic to breathe. Wear high quality protective breathing masks like this one - Medium Mold and Lead Paint Removal Respirator Mask. Another aspect of air quality is whether a gas leak is present. Enter any flood damaged property with caution as gas can be present in the air even after the utility company has turned off the gas. Do not use open flame of any sort to light an area, use only flashlights or headlamps. We suggest opening all doors and windows to promote safer inhalation.
Water Quality
Assume water is contaminated by sewage and bacteria until the appropriate authorities have done a water safety check. FEMA recommends boiling water for at least 5 minutes before using it in any way.
Our hearts break for our neighbors affected by recent storms. We see you, we are praying for you, and we are here to help. We hope that you are very cautious of the dangers within a flooded home, nothing is more important than your own health. Do not risk your own safety if you are unsure about this process at all. Gather trustworthy professionals to help guide you through your decision making process. If your property is affected in any way by water intrusion or flood damage consider having a home inspector perform a Flood Damage Home Inspection to find out what path you should take next.
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