(Updated: 12/2/2023)
What’s more nerve wracking than paying for a service and having no idea how much it’s costing? Or why it’s costing that amount? We decided from the very beginning that we would be absolutely transparent about our prices. We want our clients to know what each element of the home inspection costs and be confident about the amount on the final invoice.
We believe prices should be easily available.
We find that some home inspection companies fail to publish their inspection fees on their websites, so we set out to be transparent from the start. Homebuyers deserve to know what the price is without having to call and get that dreaded sales pitch. Here’s a peak of our current home inspection fee structure because the number one question we get is, “how much does a home inspection cost?”
We hate additional and hidden fees.
Unlike our competitors, we don’t charge additional fees unless the homebuyer is ordering an additional service. We’ve had the experience of being quoted one price, then seeing an inflated invoice after-the-fact.
We will never charge extra fees for:
irrigation systems
outdoor kitchens
additional buildings (without electrical)
But homebuyers can add some, or all, of our additional services to their home inspection for a more thorough report of findings.
We don’t push homebuyers into services they don’t need, or want.
Prices reflect 2023 and may not represent or guarantee of current pricing structures.
And once a homebuyer has ordered their home inspection, we don’t nag them with sales efforts. We believe sales should be tasteful and tactful, too many home inspection companies in our industry push homebuyers into services that are unnecessary. We ask homebuyers once about which services they want to add to home inspection day and make recommendations that are useful and warranted to their home inspection needs. Finally, right before inspection day, we send one message reminding homebuyers that they can add more services via the inspection portal at any time and effortlessly pay for those services via the same portal.